**Muhammad’s Kushite Ancestry**

“When Mohammed was born, Arabia was a Negro colony . . . “.  (Diop 1974, p. 151)


Ninth century historian Al-Jahiz (p. 50) describes Muhammad’s father Abdallah (Abdullah) as, “black as the night and magnificent.”


Ghanaian scholar Dr. Husain Rashid says, “Prophet Muhammad’s mother was an Abyssinian [Ethiopian]“.  (Dr. Rashid’s evidence is presented later in this chapter.)


According to the collaborative scholarship of Dr. Ben and Dr. George Simmonds, Muhammad’s grandparents originated in Ethiopia (Kush).


Muhammad’s grandfather frequently visited Aksum (Axum). Bilal, Muhammad’s “closest advisor and co-founder of Islam”, was himself an Ethiopian.  (Jochannon 1991, p. 151)  Bilal carried Muhammad’s lance, which was given to Muhammad by a companion, to whom it was gifted by an Ethiopian ruler.


As an orphaned infant, Muhammad was nursed by Barakah Um Aymanan, an Ethiopian woman, whom he referred to as, “my mother after my mother”  (Rashad 1995, p. 17). “The many words in the Qur’an that derive from the Abyssinian language are evidence of the close connections between Mecca and Aksum”. (Northrup 2017, p. 24)


According to Dr. Rashid, Barakah Um Aymanan was Muhammad’s aunt, his mother’s sister. “In Africa your Mother’s sister is also your Mother; your sisters son is also your son.”  (Rashid 2005, p. 103-4)


(Note: Abyssinian is a European appellation taken from the Arabic word Habesh, which signifies mixed African and Arabian descent, and Abyssinia is used in reference to Ethiopia.)


**Muhammad’s Ishmaelite (Shemitic) Lineage**

Calvin Evans’ work states, Muhammad’s deeper ancestral lineage traces back to Kedar son of Ishmael son of Abraham (See Chapter 5 for related information).


Gesenius’s Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (p. 724) translates “Kedar” as, “black skin,” “black skinned man”.


Over a century and a half before Muhammad’s lifetime, Arabian Ishmaelites, “…happening to come in contact with the Jews, gathered from them the facts of their true origin, and returned to the observance of the Hebrew customs and laws.”  (Sozomen 1855, p. 309)


Muhammad, “…used to conform with old usages obtaining among his people, inherited from Abraham and Ishmael…”.  (Lane 1863, p. 944)


(Note: See Chapter 1 for information about the relationship between Kushites and Shemites)

In the Book of Genesis, Ishmael and his descendants are blessed and promised a great nation.


It is also prophesied, “… his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”


(Note: See Chapter 7 for the fulfillment of these prophecies.)

**Arabia, an Extension of Africa**

J.A. Rogers states, “Arabia is but an extension of Africa…”, and, “Mohamet, himself, was to all accounts a Negro.”


“…the divide between the Arabian peninsula and the North-East part of continental Africa is an ideological divide and not a historical, cultural or geographical divide.” (Bekerie 1997, p. 39)


“The original inhabitants of Arabia then … were not the familiar Arabs of our time but a very much darker people. A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya.”  (Thomas 1937, p. 355)

Africa as known to the Ancients.


(Note: The first civilized inhabitants of the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates Valleys were called Kushites (Ethiopians) by some scholars, and Hamites by others.  (Jackson 1970, p. 68-9))










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2 thoughts on “Chapter 4 – MUHAMMAD’S KUSHITE and SHEMITIC ANCESTRY”

  1. You are Right!
    There are many melanited-nations, it is dumb to belive the dark races in america belong just to one.
    Black hamites,afro-sumerians,Mauritanias, black dravidians, brown semites, indo-negrids, black west africans, bantues, australo-negrids, sino negrids, amero-negrids, latino-negrids, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

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